Trump just mused about whether disinfectant injections could treat coronavirus. Really.

With his hype for hydroxychloroquine in the rearview mirror, President Donald Trump used Thursday’s White House press briefing to muse about whether disinfectants and sunlight might be the new miracle coronavirus cures of the moment — much to the bewilderment of Dr. Deborah Birx.

At the briefing, William Bryan, under secretary for Science and Technology at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), discussed preliminary government research indicating that “heat and humidity suppress Covid-19” and “commonly available disinfectants work to kill the virus.”

After Bryan’s presentation, Trump took to the podium and made a deeply bizarre inference.

“Supposing we hit …

The House just passed another $480 billion in coronavirus relief aimed at small businesses

The House has passed a $480 billion funding bill aimed at tiding over small businesses during the coronavirus pandemic. It now heads to President Donald Trump’s desk, where he’s expected to sign it.

The bulk of the bill is dedicated to replenishing funds for the Paycheck Protection Program, a critical new program that provides small businesses with forgivable loans to cover payroll costs. While lawmakers allocated $350 billion to PPP in the March stimulus package, those funds were ultimately far from enough to address the need of millions of small businesses in the US.

Thus far, 1.6 million small …

The rumors of Kim Jong Un’s “grave” illness, explained

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has become a visible global presence over the last few years. But in the last week, he’s completely disappeared from public view — and rumors have started to swirl that he may be seriously ill, or even dead.

On April 15, Kim didn’t appear at a celebration commemorating North Korea’s most important holiday, which honors the founder of the country, Kim’s late grandfather Kim Il Sung. State-run media oddly hasn’t published any photos of a recent weapons test, which typically show the leader watching in approval. And official statements from the country have …

The perfect virtual video store isn’t Netflix. It’s

Ruth Graham, a freelance writer in New Hampshire, decided to go retro last year and replace her streaming service subscription with a stream of red envelopes filled with DVDs, courtesy of Netflix-owned Shocked by the abundance of films the affordable DVD-by-mail service offered that she couldn’t also stream on Netflix, Graham “binged” — albeit on a schedule broken up by the post office and a limit to how many disks she could have out at any one time — on classics like 1931’s Frankenstein, Billy Wilder’s Oscar-winning The Apartment, and the work of German director Douglas …

“I did not sign up for the military. I signed up for Walmart.”

A few weeks ago, Evelyn Hall asked her manager at Walmart why the store wasn’t giving workers gloves and masks.

The manager’s response, according to Hall: “Wash your hands every 15 minutes, so you don’t need a glove or a mask.”

“She just walked away from me and started laughing, like it was funny,” Hall said.

The lack of protective equipment wasn’t the only reason Hall, a Walmart employee for 28 years, felt unsafe at her Maryland store. The store also wasn’t counting customers to maintain social distancing and prevent crowding, she said. And she’d also heard from other employees …

Amazon employees shared an event invite to discuss how the company treats its workers. Then it disappeared.

Several of Amazon’s corporate employees are urging thousands of their colleagues to defy their employer by taking this Friday off of work en masse to instead gather virtually and discuss how to push for more rights for the company’s warehouse workers during the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, several Amazon employees have told Recode that invitations to the virtual event have mysteriously disappeared from their calendars and inboxes.

Workers told Recode that they believe Amazon’s management has deleted the event in an attempt to quash a growing collaboration between corporate and warehouse level employees over workers’ labor rights and environmental concerns.

Amazon …