How The Report condenses the post-9/11 CIA torture report into a devastating paranoid thriller

The title sequence of The Report includes a simple but telling detail. At first, the words “The Torture Report” appear on screen; then, before our eyes, we see the word “Torture” redacted by what looks like a stroke from a Sharpie marker.

The Report stars Adam Driver as Daniel J. Jones, the Senate staffer who spent seven long years, beginning in 2007, investigating the CIA’s use of torture — or “enhanced interrogation techniques,” as they were euphemistically called. The aim of that CIA program was to ostensibly gain useful intelligence from detainees in the wake of 9/11.

But the program, …

Carmen Maria Machado’s new memoir is a portrait of a relationship in fragments

Carmen Maria Machado’s In the Dream House is a memoir told in fragments, in shards. It has to be, because it is a memoir of trauma, and memories of trauma are fragmented.

Specifically, In the Dream House is a memoir of Machado’s abusive relationship with an ex-girlfriend. Over the course of the memoir, Machado meets her girlfriend — referred to only as “the woman in the Dream House” — and finds herself rapidly infatuated, wooed, love bombed. And then, eventually, the abuse starts.

The woman in the Dream House accuses Machado of infidelity, of flakiness, of being inconsiderate. She screams …

What to expect at the impeachment inquiry’s first public hearing

The first public hearings in the House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry will kick off at 10 am ET Wednesday, when Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee call their first two witnesses: William Taylor, the top US diplomat in Ukraine, and George Kent, a State Department official. You can watch them testify on CSPAN or other major networks, and we’ll embed a livestream here once it’s available.

Led by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the hearings are intended to publicly spotlight evidence and testimony Democrats believe is quite damning for President Donald Trump — evidence that Trump tried to urge …

Best Anti-Hail Covers for Your Car

This anti-hail cover protects the car while parked or running on high-way, and suddenly a hailstorm starts. This specialized product is made with military-grade fiberglass, which helps to prevent any damage to your car. It can bear the winds up to 30mph. it is really easy to install and remove and also has a built-in anti-theft feature. These are not actually the best anti-hail covers as they can’t cover the whole vehicles. You have to pair it with other protectors.…

Vox Sentences: DACA on the docket

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DACA hangs in the balance with SCOTUS case

  • Supreme Court justices seemed to be leaning toward allowing President Trump to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program at oral arguments Tuesday. [NBC News / Pete Williams]
  • While oral arguments don’t always give the complete picture, the five conservative justices on the court seemed likely to back the Trump administration’s attempt