Dua Lipa’s hopeful Future Nostalgia is dance-pop brilliance 

I first listened to Dua Lipa’s Future Nostalgia, the best album of this still-young year, on a day when everyone was scared to breathe.

This week, at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, a semi-trailer truck was rolled into the guts of the building. It’s a white rectangle, the refrigerated kind that pull up on city sidewalks and unload produce, fish, or meats. At Elmhurst, the truck’s cool interior was used to hold the overflow of dead bodies — 13 people had died in 24 hours.

Elmhurst’s killer has struck around the United States and to all ends of the …

The Vox guide to navigating the coronavirus crisis

The Covid-19 coronavirus disease has swiftly spread around the world since it was first detected in December. From travel bans to social distancing to shelter-in-place orders and school and office closures, the virus has impacted millions of lives. You might be wondering: How do I protect myself and my family from the coronavirus? How do I deal with social distancing and its impact on my relationships? How do I manage my anxiety about the world? Do I need to disinfect and clean everything now? And how do I effectively parent during a pandemic, while schools and day cares are closed?

How is cargo ship structured

Ballast tanks are designed for ballast. Ballast is the extra weight, most often in the form of port water, which helps a ship to:

  • Improve ship stability. When the ship is empty or when the cargo is unfavorably loaded (e.g. timber, containers), the ballast tank helps maintain favorable stability.
  • Balance the ship’s longitudinal and transverse tilts. The weight on the ship is not evenly distributed, so we need extra weights on the opposite sides to keep the ship in balance. We do this by filling the tanks with ballast on the opposite side. This is especially important in the port

What day is it today?

Today is Friday, March 27, 2020, at least in the continental United States. It is already Saturday, March 28, in some parts of the world.

To some degree, time is an illusion. We are bound by its forward passage, being the third-dimensional creatures we are, but the perceptions we have placed upon time have been invented. Humans invented the year. Humans invented the month. Humans invented the day, the hour, the minute, the second.

These distinctions are not arbitrary — it really does take about 365 days for the Earth to orbit the sun — but their creation was not …

Amazon says it unintentionally hid some competitors’ faster delivery options

Amazon surprised millions of customers last weekend when it confirmed it had pushed back delivery of many nonessential items until late April so it could more urgently fulfill orders for essential items amid the online shopping frenzy caused by the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.

But Recode has learned it’s been possible to get some of these nonessential items much faster — it’s just that Amazon has hidden listings from competing sellers on its marketplace that promise to deliver these same products at earlier dates.

In categories ranging from sporting goods to office equipment, Amazon sellers have been offering some of these …