A lot of people probably never got the chance to hear a well-played harmonica, to the point that something that this is impossible to do. However, this is far from the truth. Meanwhile, those who are familiar with the instrument seem to assume that a harmonica is exclusively used for blues. Once again, this is not the case.

The harmonica is made up of five primary part

How are Harmonicas Put Together? 

The type of harmonica most commonly used in Western countries features 10 holes. Inside every hole are two metal reeds. Every time you blow into one hole, one of these reeds will vibrate and produce a note or a sound. 

Once you breathe in, the second reed in the hole will vibrate and produce another note. This means that every hole produces two notes. Since there are a total of 10 holes, you can produce 20 noes, or even more. 

How It’s Made Harmonicas

The harmonica is made up of five primary parts, and these include the two outer cover plates, the two brass reed plates, each of which holds 10 reeds, and finally, the comb, often made from wood or plastic, which got the holes. Screws hold all of these five parts together. 

The harmonica is a common instrument used in Western music. Back in the days, harmonica bands, with a lot of harmonic players, were quite famous. Today, the harmonica is often associated with the blues. Many people who want to learn the harmonica are interested in playing blues, and there is no surprise there. After all, it can be very fun. 

Harmonicas are also commonly used in folk music (https://www.suedklang.eu/), the most famous exponent is none other than Bob Dylan. For the past several years, players like Brendan Power and Howard Levy have come up with exciting and new harmonica styles. 

However, please note that just because the harmonica is a very cheap instrument, most people seem to think that serious musicians don’t play it. Again, this isn’t true. Similar to other instruments, there are plenty of world-class harmonica players who play beautiful and exceptional music.

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